Monday, March 11, 2013

The illustration that accompanies the dictionary definition of "Insanity"

It may be just a bit taller than Shaquille O'Neal but, unlike Shaq, this stack of Obamacare regulations is still growing.

The office of Senator Mitch McConnell, the GOP minority leader in the Senate, has sent out a shocking photo.

This is over 20,000 pages and measures 7′ 2.5″. These are all the Obamacare regulations published in the Federal Register up through last week. Then last Friday they added another 828 pages.

...And hidden in this giant stack of intrusive new regulations that seem to grow every month is a major job loss problem. Douglas Elmendort, Director of the Congressional Budget Office, said in February of 2011 that Obamacare could cost 800,000 jobs and the Federal Reserve has stated that Obamacare is the reason for “planned layoffs.”

On March 6, The Hill reported, “The Federal Reserve on Wednesday released an edition of its so-called ‘beige book,’ that said the 2010 healthcare law is being cited as a reason for layoffs and a slowdown in hiring.”

In fact, scores of employers are downsizing or moving full-time workers to part-time in order to avoid the one-size-fits-all, Rube Goldberg-style requirements of Obamacare.

The hubris of the far left Democrat Party is stunning: they believe that the billions of individual health care decisions made by Americans each year can be replaced with a centralized, Politburo-style bureaucracy headed up by a 15-person panel called "IPAB". Here's a cheat-sheet: they can't.

There's one major reason that the Soviet Union's economy imploded. Central planners thought they could effectively manage all of the billions of economic interactions necessary to grow, instead of having individuals exercise their own free will.

And like the old Soviet Union, Obamacare is destined to implode as surely as night follows day.

Hat tip: BadBlue 24-hour News.


Barry Popik said...

"If you make 10,000 regulations you destroy all respect for the law." -- Winston Churchill (February 3, 1949 before the House of Commons, talking about Great Britain's numerous post-war regulations)

Anonymous said...

Impolsion is the plan. Then they think people will demand government single-payer and with the idiots in our populace who can't connect any dots at all, they're probably right.

Benzene25 said...

It's as tall as the tree it originally came from!